Multi-Purpose Facility “Asterion Draseis” for People with Disabilities

Multi-Purpose Facility “Asterion Draseis” for People with Disabilities

Multi-purpose facility for disabled children, adolescents and adults

Logo Design / Tagline Creation / Stationery System Design / Exterior & Interior Design of Multi-Purpose Facility Signs / Banners

"Asterion Draseis" is a Treatment Center filled with love and creation, where children, adolescents and adults with disabilities, through specially designed programs, learn how to be more independent, communicate in a more efficient way and actively participate in their daily lives.

Cleo Linaraki has assumed the Center‘s direction, while also holding the Scientific Officer Psychologist - Special Educator’s important role. For her, “Asterion Draseis" had always been a lifelong vision, and this is why she entrusted all the Center’s design needs to impressme - your brand grand.

Our creative team began by designing the Center’s new logo; but we did not design just a simple logo, but a little hero, recognizable, happy and forceful. Its vibrant colors were carefully chosen in order to radiate joy, playfulness and creativity. We used the same colors for the corporate identity’s application to the stationery system, as well as to the external & internal markings of the Facility.

The tagline we came up with, "Living in a special way, together!" communicates the facility’s important role in the most representative way, for “Asterion Draseis” does not only function as a Treatment Center, but also as a fount of life.

There are special jobs that fill us with special joy, for they form part of a better life quality for people with disabilities.

Our collaboration with the Multi-purpose Facility - Treatment Center "Asterion Draseis" continues as creatively, in every level, and especially at this of the heart.

Balcony Banner
Custom Bag
Office Banners
Stationary 2
T Shirt
Asterion Draseis Logo